Sunday 3 June 2007

Calendar of cock - Mr June...

So David Cameron bares all for 'no cuts in hospitals', is there anything this man won't do? Local tory party members were keen as mustard (clearly!) to get they're lips around this months policy, after May's boob fest over grammar schools - who can blame them?

After his burning of his wife's bras in support (hehe) of feminism, pubic hair singeing in support of paedophilia and yes, some good natured hoody waving debate (or was it fun? did you see the smile on his little twat face)...good policy after sound policy after policy policy someone elses policy, suddenly deluged as we all are...he's cornered all of britains minorities into thinking that he's the man to vote for.

This may be worrying, but until the first articles of Gordon Browns clothing start hitting the deck, i mean eco towns was just his cuff link loosening man, it's all just a bit of a laugh really...henceforth i chose a song with lots of room for gaping mouths, Dr. Simon Sagt tackled on this occasion by the supremely talented Gus Backus <-- well worth a look that btw! Turns out he was also in 50's doowop band The Del-Vikings that bastion of americana, fancy that eh...gotta go, Juliet Bravo has just started :D


Anonymous said...

Can I get my leopard underwears back now please?

Danny said...

I dunno....i think they rather suit me!