Sunday 30 September 2007

So, I went shopping...

I found this great record, well actually the records crap it's by Eartha Kitt [a.k.a catwoman!] but I rather like the cover. I also found a book about the end of the world, a book on british cooking AND Dennis Healey's autobiography all for under 15 quid. I could really become a second hand shop regular if it wasn't for the people. The staff don't seem to actually want to sell anything, the customers think you're stealing their bargains and get a bit angry. It's all rather odd. And I went in 6 of them so I've the experience to comment!

I came across this old box aswell, it wasn't for sale...well not with out the shoes that were in it, and there comes a point when you just have to stop :D

Here's a totally irrelevant tune, King Of Lazy by Urusei Yatsura. One of those tunes you've heard loads but never new who it was by...


Anonymous said...

wonders what the shoes were like *

Danny said...

They really were very very very crusty. Kinda like me with a hangover!

Junny said...

can you post the photo of the shoes,please?:D

Danny said...

Lol, i'm not going back there!

Junny said...

I thought you bought them shoes!! hahaha okie dokies.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha no he didnt buy them, he said they were "crusty"

I think he should go back and get the shoes pic anyway, they sound interesting!

Junny said...

I wonder what they look like!!!crusty like the crust of the Earth?:O:O haha

Danny said...

Could be...could be!

Sorry to party poop though, im not going back - they were far to rude.

Junny said...

too far??where is that shop?tell us tell us!